Put a Former UCLA Medical School Admissions Committee Member on Your Side!

You probably came to this site wondering: What should I do to get into medical school? I can’t tell you how many times I asked myself this while I was applying. I know how stressful it is to try to make yourself that applicant who will be accepted. In my case, I just wanted to be accepted toany school!
After a lot of hard work and some luck, I was able to get into UCLA, one of the top schools in the country. I was jumping off the walls when I got that letter!
This site is designed to help you get that acceptance letter of your dreams.
You might be asking yourself, “Can this guy really help me do that?”
My answer is: Yes!
First, I successfully got into 3 medical schools myself. While I learned a lot from this process, I still wasn’t totally sure why I got in.
So, I spent time on the UCLA medical school admissions committee.
Here I interviewed applicants, reviewed applications, and ranked applicants along with other members of the committee.
From this experience, I can say that I learned exactly what it takes to get into a top school.
Over the past several years, I have been using that knowledge to help many people get into medical school.
Here’s a review from one of the people that I helped:
As someone who had no clue how the medical school admissions process even worked, I was pretty nervous to apply. I knew the basics such as the progression from primary to secondary application. But, when it came to starting my personal statement and navigating which schools to apply to, I was lost. I then came across Mike’s services.
I was initially hesitant about buying services because I had already read medical school help articles online. I was afraid Mike would simply tell me what I already knew. However, having experienced tremendous help from my Dr. Mike Frazier, I am extremely grateful for his unique help and expertise.
When my medical school interview days arrived, I am proud to say that I wasn’t nervous at all! Thanks to Dr. Frazier’s interview preparation, I was fully prepared for all the questions thrown my way. In fact, I received my first acceptance from UC Davis (one of my dream schools!) as early as October, and Dr. Frazier’s help was definitely pivotal in helping me get there. Right now I’m deciding between acceptances to UC Davis, St. Louis University, NYU and Vanderbilt and am expecting to hear from more schools soon!
Getting the perspective from someone who has seen the inner workings of the admissions committee was invaluable during the stressful application process. To sum it up, Dr. Frazier was awesome! And I would definitely recommend his products and services to anyone.
–Thien Huang, premed student, accepted at 4 medical schools
I want you to succeed! I did it, I’ve helped many people to do it, and I can help you too!
However, 6 out of 10 applicants don’t get accepted.
This means that there are many pitfalls along the way. You definitely need a guide through the process.
I want to be that guide for you.
Get my free report, the 8 secrets to getting accepted. It will get you off to a great start in understanding how to get into medical school.
Get Expert Guidance on Your Medical School Quest
-Mike Frazier MD, Former UCLA Medical School Admissions Committee Member
Disclaimer: This website is not associated with the Medical School Insider annual event hosted by Kaplan. However, I would encourage all you premed students to check out the event as it will give you great insight into the admissions process and getting into medical school. Click here to see the Kaplan website.