Learn exactly what it takes to get into medical school…for the price of a trip to the movies!

Dear Premed Student,
My name is Mike Frazier and I’m a former UCLA medical school admissions committee member and graduate of UCLA medical school. I remember well the days when I was a premed student. It seemed like everything I was doing was geared towards one goal: getting into medical school. I was studying like crazy, volunteering all over the place, and working part time, all the while wondering if what I was doing was enough to get accepted.
Maybe you can relate. Before I spent time on the UCLA admissions committee, I had a pretty good idea of what it took to get into medical school. After my time on the admissions committee, I can tell you that I now understand exactly what it takes to get accepted to a top medical school like UCLA.
Here is a run-down of the exclusive, insider information that you will find in this eBook.
- The exact categories that medical schools look at and how to beat your competitors in those categories
- Which categories are most important. Is MCAT everything? Find out here!
- The three keys to your activities. Everybody volunteers. What do you need to do to make your experiences stand out?
- How to describe your activities on AMCAS. What you do is very important, but how you describe it may be even more important
- The Rule of 4’s that will help you know where to apply to medical school and that will save you time and money
- How to beat the computer. Learn how to get your application reviewed by a real person, even if your MCAT and/or GPA are low
- The admissions process from start to finish so you know exactly what happens to your application
- Why letters of recommendation matter more than you think and what you can do to make them great
- The purpose of the personal statement, how to write one that will help your application, and how much it really matters
- MCAT Tips to make your score the best it can be
- The medical school requirements and my picks to put you head and shoulders above the rest once you get to medical school
- How to choose where to apply and how to pick a school when you get multiple offers
- How to ace the medical school interview, including tips on the MMI (multiple mini interview)
- Financial aid tips including little known ways to get paid to go to medical school!

Here’s what people are saying about
10 Steps to Accepted:
This book is a great and easy-to-read guide to prepare someone to get into medical school. Mike’s advice on my personal statement and activities helped me to develop an application that more fully represented me as a person. I most appreciated his guidance on how to make my personal statement and AMCAS application more personable. I was proud of my final application, and I was ultimately accepted to Harvard, Brown, UCSF and the University of Colorado. It was great to have Mike’s objective input and I would definitely recommend his help to other pre-med students!
–Michelle L, Harvard Medical School
This book is the sole thing that kept my head on straight while I was trying to get into medical school. So many times I was not sure where to start or what the next step was. This book clearly lays out things that you must do to make yourself a stronger applicant. I was amazed at how detailed it was with each aspect of the application/interview/acceptance process. My very favorite part was its discussion about the interview. This saved my neck during my interviews! I was completely in the dark about this process and this book sets it up so logically that it took away all my nerves going into the interview day. Beginning to end, this book is packed with helpful and very useful materials that will get you accepted to medical school. The very best part about this book is it’s written by someone who is on the inside. The author was ON an ADMISSIONS COMMITTEE. This is a perspective that you seriously can’t get anywhere else. This is a MUST get!!
-Blake Hansen, accepted at Midwestern Medical School
As someone who had no clue how the medical school admissions process even worked, I was pretty nervous to apply. I knew the basics such as the progression from primary to secondary application. But, when it came to starting my personal statement and navigating which schools to apply to, I was lost. I then came across Mike’s services.
I was initially hesitant about buying services because I had already read medical school help articles online. I was afraid Mike would simply tell me what I already knew. However, having experienced tremendous help from my Dr. Mike Frazier, I am extremely grateful for his unique help and expertise.
When my medical school interview days arrived, I am proud to say that I wasn’t nervous at all! Thanks to Dr. Frazier’s interview preparation, I was fully prepared for all the questions thrown my way. In fact, I received my first acceptance from UC Davis (one of my dream schools!) as early as October, and Dr. Frazier’s help was definitely pivotal in helping me get there. Right now I’m deciding between acceptances to UC Davis, St. Louis University, NYU and Vanderbilt and am expecting to hear from more schools soon!
Getting the perspective from someone who has seen the inner workings of the admissions committee was invaluable during the stressful application process. To sum it up, Dr. Frazier was awesome! And I would definitely recommend his products and services to anyone hoping to get accepted.
–Thien Huang, accepted at 4 medical schools
I worked with Mike through the entire admissions process. He really knows his stuff and was extremely professional and amazing to work with. I was rejected last year with essentially the same application as this year. Thanks to Mike’s help, I’ve been accepted to 6 MD medical schools, including El Paso, Eastern Virginia, St. Louis University, Tx A&M, Miami and TCOM! And still have a few interviews to go! I highly recommend any of Mike’s products and services to help you get accepted.
– Zak Kroeger, re-applicant, accepted at 6 medical schools
Today I got accepted Early Decision Program to University of New Mexico!
I interviewed Sept 11, Accepted yesterday Sept 30th.
Dr. Frazier’s book “10 Steps to Accepted: An Insider’s Guide to Getting Into Medical School” takes you inside the mind of an ADCOM Member in a Top university. When I started reading through the pages, everything resonated. From MCAT preparation, great tips on how to write your personal statement, your experiences and his tips on how to tell what you did (experiences) in a way that makes an impression on the committee, he covered it all.
Nut shell, his book will help you write your application and do your interviews in such a way that will set you apart from the “who was that again?” pile of applicants to the “unforgettable candidate” pile.
My application is proof, getting accepted just 19 days after my interview! I highly recommend this book also for undergraduate students considering medical school as it covers aspects on how to stand out in class and to get good recommendation letters (very important for Med School), choosing good extracurricular activities etc.
His tips on secondaries and interviews were the best, and they helped me nail my secondary applications and interview questions. During both of my interviews I used tips from his book to set my agenda and ended up having a great rapport with both interviewers, and it turned out to be more of a discussion.
The book on How to Succeed in Medical School is a must have for anyone recently accepted. I am already setting targets and planning out my studies. Looking at his USMLE scores, I think he knows what he is talking about in this book.
I couldn’t recommend both books more highly.
-Ivo Teneg, accepted early decision at at University of New Mexico Medical School
I had applied multiple times in the past without success. I worked with Mike to try to make my dream of becoming a doctor a reality. All I can say is THANK YOU SO MUCH! After several years, I finally was accepted to medical school! I was accepted at Wake Forest and MCW 🙂 I cannot thank you enough for your tremendous help! I highly recommend Dr. Frazier as an expert in getting people into medical school. It was his help that got me in!
-Alia Ghoneum, re-applicant, accepted at 2 medical schools

Put a former UCLA admissions committee member on your side!

During my time spent on the UCLA Admissions Committee, I learnedexactly what it takes to get into a top medical school. You’ll get the insider information that will put you ahead of the rest when it comes to applying to medical school.
Along with the above benefits, you’ll also get…
- The Killer Applicant Checklist that breaks down what you should be doing year by year to make yourself a top notch applicant.
- How to choose a major and how much it matters
- Examples of strong and weak activities in each of the areas admissions committees look at
- Examples from real applications so you can learn what works and what doesn’t
- What to do if your state doesn’t have a medical school
- How to know if you’re competitive for certain schools
- When to contact the school about your status
- What to do if you’re not accepted with links to all the post-bacc and Master’s programs available in the United States
- An exclusive discount on my video-based, members-only site, Medial School Inside Track.
- And Much More!
All this for for just $20!
Why so cheap? Like I said, I’ve been in your shoes. Like most premeds, I didn’t have much money. I think at this price the book will be affordable on any budget. Just skip the movies this weekend and read up on how to get accepted to medical school!
However, the price may be going up soon, so take advantage of this offer now while it lasts!
If you are not satisfied with this product, you may ask for a full refund within 30 days of purchase.
As far as I can tell, this is the only book of its kind written by a former medical school admissions committee member. There are other books on admissions out there, but none written by someone with this experience.
Keep in mind that 60% of medical school applicants are not accepted anywhere! Money spent to get insider secrets on how to set yourself apart is money well spent!
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Here’s to your success and I’ll see you soon as a fellow doctor!
Mike Frazier
Former UCLA Admissions Committee Member
P.S. Remember, 6 out of 10 applicants are rejected every year. Don’t be one of them!
P.P. S. The information here has been proven successful by many applicants, as you can see above. Join them in getting into the school of your dreams!

Also, now that you’ll know how to get into medical school, pick up my eBookSucceeding in Medical School- How I Landed My Top Choice Residency.You’ll learn what it takes to ace your licensing exams and become the doctor residency programs will fight over! Get it for just $5 when you buy both books! Click here to learn more about this book.