Sell My eBooks on Your Site or Blog!
Dear Fellow Webmaster,
Are you looking for a way to make a little extra money from your web site or blog? Affiliate links are a great way to do that.
Affiliate links work like this:
1. Someone reads about a product on your site or blog
2. The person is interested in the product and clicks on your link to that product
3. The person is directed to the product page
4. The person buys the product
5. You get paid a certain percentage of the purchase price for referring that customer
Pretty simple, right? You can promote my products any way that you would like. I provide some images here that have been helpful for me. You can also use text links, send out links to an email list, or even just give the links to your friends.
No matter how you promote it, if someone comes to my site and buys a product, you get paid! Even if they come for one book and buy the other or both, you get paid 70% on whatever they buy!
You’ll Get 50% of the Sale Price on Any Product!
How the Program Works
1. Click here to sign up
You’ll need to register for an e-junkie affiliate account to participate in this affiliate program. If you don’t have a PayPal account, you’ll also need to register for that in order to get paid.
2. Get your affiliate codes for my eBook products.
Click on “Affiliate Admin,” then “Get Affiliate Code.” You can choose codes for each individual book so that you can have buyers directed to the appropriate sales pages.
3. Create ads
Either through text or images that contain your affiliate codes. If you’re not familiar with how to do this, you will code it something like this:
<a href=”your affiliate code” target=_blank>>Click here to buy 10
Steps to Accepted!</a>
That will give you a hyperlink that says:
Click here to buy 10 Steps to Accepted!
The link goes to my page about 10 Steps to Accepted with your affiliate code attached so that when the person buys the book, you get the commission!
Don’t have a website or blog? You can send these links out in an email to your friends! Just copy and paste your affiliate code into your email and tell your friends to click on it to buy the book. They can even copy and paste the link into their browser. You’ll get paid no matter how people click on your link!
As long as the person buys the product within 6 months, you’ll get paid!
You’ll find images you can use to promote the eBooks at the bottom of the page.
4. Get paid!
I’ll send you your payments within 2 weeks of the first of the month after the sale. For example, if you sold a book on June 10th, I would get your payment to you by July 15th. Again, payments are made through PayPal, so if you don’t have an account, you’ll need to set one up.
If you buy one of the eBooks from your own affiliate link, you will not receive payment for that sale.
Again, thank you for joining the program. Click here to get started!
If you have any questions about the products or the program, contact me
I look forward to working with you!
Mike Frazier, MD
Images you can use on your site/blog (Just Copy and Paste):
10 Steps to Accepted
Succeeding in Medical School
Me (Don’t know why/if you’d want to use this, but just in case)