Learn how to land your top choice residency from someone who did it!

Dear Premed or Medical Student,
My name is Mike Frazier and I’m a former UCLA medical school admissions committee member and graduate of UCLA medical school. I just finished medical school and ended up with my top choice residency!
During my residency interviews, I was told over and over that I was a very competitive applicant, that I would have my choice of residencies, and that the schools “hoped I would seriously consider their program.”
Why were they saying those things to me? Because I had prepared myself well for interviews, scored
well on my licensing exams, and had a great Dean’s Letter and letters of recommendation (so I was told by the programs). This eBook will teach you how to make all of those things true for you too!
Here is a run-down of the exclusive, insider information that you will find in this eBook.
My tips and study strategies for USMLE Step 1, Step 2 CK and Step 2 CS. The methods and resources I used helped me get a 257 on Step 1, a 247 on Step 2 CK and a Pass on Step 2 CS.
Study tips for first and second year that will help you manage the massive amounts of material you will cover
Why the third year is so important and tips on how to make a good impression on
your residents and attendings -
What extracurricular you need to do (probably) to get the residency of your choice
When and how to choose the writers for your letters of recommendation
Away rotations. To do them or not to do them? Discussion and my take.
Advice on choosing a specialty and how I chose mine

Read what people are saying about Succeeding in Medical School:
This resource is incredibly helpful for both the prospective and current medical student. As I’m approaching the end of my 2nd year and getting into board studying the section on boards was particularly beneficial. There are so many resources out there and I want to make sure I’m covering my bases so it was really nice to hear what is the most effective, especially from someone who did so well on boards.
I really appreciated the section for 3rd year as well, as I have a lot of anxiety moving into the clinical years because I often think, “How do you make the transition from mastering clinical vignettes and multiple choice exams to being able to think quickly on your feet, develop differentials, and take your entire patient into consideration and
not just think systems based as we do for classroom exams?” This book helps answer those questions.
This is a great resource in its entirety. It is concise yet comprehensive. I highly recommend this book to any premed or medical student.
-Gillian Kulikowski, Rocky Vista University College of Osteopathic Medicine, Medical Student Mentor
This guide on getting through medical school is a must-have! It’s so helpful, whether you are in high school, college or already on the path in medical school. It teaches you the best way to study, score well on licensing exams, get great letters of recommendation, how to do well on residency interviews and SO MUCH MORE! It is a compliment to the first ebook written by Mike, 10 Steps To Accepted.
This book is so helpful to guide you to success in medical school, wherever you go! I feel much less nervous about starting school because of this book and its clear description on how to succeed. It applies to so many aspects of medical school I couldn’t possibly cover all of them in this review, but I give it 5 stars!! Thank you for writing such a great guide!
-Elizabeth F, Brigham Young University
Put someone who’s
been there on your side!
involves choosing the right resources and study strategies, as well as important people skills. You need to know what to do to impress and win over the people who will be writing your evaluations. In my time in medical school, I learned what those things were and I share them with you here.
Along with the above benefits, you’ll also get…
My tips on choosing rotations during your 4th year.When to do sub-internships and why they matter.
Tips on residency interviews and how to make them count
Tips on choosing the number of programs and which programs you will apply to
My list that I used to help rank programs for my match list
How I chose my top program and how I tried to make sure they would choose me
And Much More!
All this for just $14.99!
Why so cheap? I know very well what it’s like to live off of loans. Not too much fun. Hopefully at this price, the information will be affordable even on a medical student budget. For tips on making money during medical school with a website, visit my about me page.
Remember, the cost of this eBook: $14.99. Your smile when you open your match letter: Priceless.
However, the price may be going up soon, so take advantage of this offer now while it lasts!

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This book is a collection of the lessons I learned about scoring well on licensing exams and performing well during my clinical years. These are the things I did that allowed me to have my choice of residencies. My residency interviews had an overall feel of the programs wanting to sell me on their program. I was sent emails by several programs telling me that I was ranked very highly and even ranked to match. If you follow the lessons outlined in the book, you will likely get one of your top residencies as well.
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Thank you and I’ll see you soon as a fellow doctor!
Mike Frazier, MD