
Question: I am in a terribly low math course at my local city college(pre- algebra) and in high school, I never took a math class higher than Geometry. When I was in high school, I was very confused, full of self- doubt, and highly unmotivated to do well in classes. I have always had a deep interest in science, but was never really all that great when it came to math. I come from a humble Mexican family and I have had to learn the majority of the things I now know on my own due to my parents’ lack of knowledge and understanding of the college system. I know it takes an immense amount of work to become a doctor, but is my ultimate dream and goal to become one. I absolutely cannot see myself doing anything else for my future. The HUGE problem that I have is that I honestly have a history of terrible grades in my past (including my past two semesters at city college). I have a 1.89GPA and I am just wondering: Do I really stand a chance? I am currently in the process of improving my grades and let’s say that if I did end up with A’s and B’s, would my past grades matter? I am about 4 classes away into getting into a college- level math class and about 1 year or 2 away from transferring to a university. I would love to someday go to UCLA because it is my absolute dream school. I do not consider myself to be stupid; just a person who never really had an adult show true dedication into guiding me in the right direction. I am ready, though, to be that role model for myself.


Hi Leslie,

It is still possible to get into medical school, though it will be difficult. You’ll need to have a cumulative GPA of definitely over 3.0, and the higher the better. You still have a chance with the lower GPA because it sounds like you’d be a “disadvantaged applicant,” which makes it possible to have your application reviewed with a lower GPA.

For math, you’ll need a calculus course for most schools, as well as a statistics class. You’ll also need to really stand out in the areas outlined on my admissions page and in my book.

So, it’s possible, but will be tough. Best of luck!